Saturday 15 October 2011

Colours and Fonts

Mike and I have talked about what colours and fonts we are going to use. This is to allow the material we make to stand out and catch peoples eyes as they walk past the notice board or adshell poster. We began with finding out what each colour ment and what sort of power they have.

Effects of colour (in relation to following colour scheme options)

RED. Physical
Positive: Physical courage, strength, warmth, energy, basic survival, ‘fight or flight’, stimulation, masculinity, excitement.
Negative: Defiance, aggression, visual impact, strain.

red is a powerful colour, representing blood, anger, chaos. And also it is a powerful colour often seen surrounding people of power.

BLUE. Intellectual

Positive: Intelligence, communication, trust, efficiency, serenity, duty, logic, coolness, reflection, calm.
Negative: Coldness, aloofness, lack of emotion, unfriendliness.

Blue is the colour of the mind and is soothing;

YELLOW. Emotional
Positive: Optimism, confidence, self-esteem, extraversion, emotional strength, friendliness, creativity.
Negative: Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, depression, anxiety, suicide.

Yellow is an uplifting colour, like the effects sunlight has on people it can brighten them up and make them seem lighter than they are

GREEN. Balance

Positive: Harmony, balance, refreshment, universal love, rest, restoration, reassurance, environmental awareness, equilibrium, peace.
Negative: Boredom, stagnation, blandness, enervation.

It is the colour of balance and nature.

VIOLET. Spiritual
Positive: Spiritual awareness, containment, vision, luxury, authenticity, truth, quality.
Negative: Introversion, decadence, suppression, inferiority.

The shortest wavelength is violet, mistaken for purple a lot. It’s a spiritual colour used a lot in visions of the occult


Positive: Physical comfort, food, warmth, security, sensuality, passion, abundance, fun.
Negative: Deprivation, frustration, frivolity, immaturity.

Orange is a stimulating colour, it’s bright and erratic, like energy is represented


Positive: Physical tranquillity, nurture, warmth, femininity, love, sexuality, survival of the species.
Negative: Inhibition, emotional claustrophobia, emasculation, physical weakness.

More soothing and feminine than red, it can create the effect of elatedness


Positive: Psychological neutrality.
Negative: Lack of confidence, dampness, depression, hibernation, lack of energy.

Grey is a colour with no emotional properties being the lack of anything, can be used to show neutrality

Positive: Sophistication, glamour, security, emotional safety, efficiency, substance.
Negative: Oppression, coldness, menace, heaviness.

Black is all colours, and light completely absorbed.

Positive: Hygiene, sterility, clarity, purity, cleanness, simplicity, sophistication, efficiency.
Negative: Sterility, coldness, barriers, unfriendliness, elitism.

Just as black is total absorption of light, white is total reflection.


Positive: Seriousness, warmth, Nature, earthiness, reliability, support.
Negative: Lack of humour, heaviness, lack of sophistication.

It’s a dark dirty colour, often used to show bleakness, or depression

Next we came up with some colour schemes.

And finally we came up with some ideas for the fonts we would use.