Thursday 8 September 2011

"art is not a crime" campaign

Graffiti art is seen as a crime and vandalism of property, but a lot of others see it as an art form if it is done in a non defacing way, many artists such as Banksy, and Blek Le Rat are infamous for their graffiti work almost globally, and have had their pieces displayed in galleries.

What I aim to do with this project is promote the idea that graffiti is not a crime if is done in a good way so i intend to create pieces to forward the message that “art is not a crime” however I will be doing this through graffiti style artwork.

I am targeting this at a more mature audience, though i will be using styles that appeal to younger generations, so as well as creating artwork will be showing that graffiti can make places look nicer through informative flyers, and posters.

Not everyone will agree with the ideas that I put across, but it is those people I am trying to silence with both my research and my products.

I intend to create

- Two A3 posters containing the message “art is not a crime”

- A persuasive flyer

- Stencil designs (so that people can tag the “art is not a crime” slogan)

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