Thursday 22 September 2011

The Difference between Art and Vandalism

Though I do not believe that graffiti is a crime, or destructive, I do believe that there is a difference between artwork and making a place look bad.

For example more often than not when you look at the graffiti your average city you will see things like “joe blogs was ere”, or swastikas/cult/religious symbols spray painted. This is the sort of painting that should be shunned and painted over. However if it makes the place look more colourful, or has some artistic merit then it should be left where it is, and even maintain the image that is there.

Through these image boards I will show the different between constructive and destructive graffiti.

Artistic graffiti

This next lot of “work” is the kind that should not be allowed as it is displeasing, often offensive, and holds no artistic merit.

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